Enza Migliore

Assistant Professor at SUSTech School of Design

Enza Migliore is a researcher and educator in design, focusing on materials exploration through interdisciplinary and empirical design practices. Ph.D. in Design and Innovation from the Second University of Naples; her research is in Materials and Design, Bio-Innovation, and Eco-intelligent Design. She has been awarded a Post-Doctoral Research fellowship (2017-2019) by JSPS (Japan Society for Promotion of Science). During her post-doctoral research at the Metropolitan University of Tokyo, she examined critical perspectives on the future of materials innovation. 

She is an Assistant Professor at the School of Design, SUSTech University, in Shenzhen, leading the Materialities Research Group, exploring materials through ecology, technology, and culture. She has been awarded the ‘Pengcheng Peacock Plan’ for International Talents. 

Enza participates in international exhibitions as a part of her divulgation activity. She is a visiting researcher at IPCB, Institute of Polymers, Composites, and Biomaterials (Italian National Research Centre), at the Foamlab (Federico II University of Naples) and Hybrid Design Lab. 

Faculty profile: https://designschool.sustech.edu.cn/about/team/faculty/424.html

Other projects: IPCB, FoamLab, HybridDesignLab, Past Projects

More info: Download CV, Email